I am so happy that people are still coming to me for doula work! It is terribly unfortunate that I am in the throes of another chaotic semester. I am currently taking Adult Health also called Medical-Surgical Nursing and Pharmacotherapeutics. The summer semester is condensed into 10 weeks, instead of the usual 14, and it is rigorous. My clinical assignment is at NYU Medical Center and it's a blessing to work in such a well-stocked facility. The amount of supplies they have at their disposal, and sadly I mean disposable, would make some facilities jaws drop. It makes your life easier as a nurse, but you do wonder about the incredible disparities in wealth from one institution of care to the next.
After dealing with the immense joys of life during my doula practice, I am starting to see some very different and sad conditions. There are many, many illnesses that I read about, but slowly am starting to see in person, like liver failure, heart disease, and cancer. My aim is not a morbid post, but it's so clear, the importance of good preventative care for when we are lucky and healthy, but also, and often moreso, palliative care when we are very ill.
This fall I am enrolled in Elder nursing at Lutheran in Brooklyn and will continue to see many more issues involved with end of life care. I like that I will have the added knowledge of the care a person needs thoughout life's spectrum, and can bring it to the best, first days of our lives at birth.
Oddly enough my maternity course won't occur until Spring 2011, but you can imagine how itchy I am to dig in! I hear about my cohort of students and their maternity experiences and am yearning to see strong, beautiful mommas again. Soon, soon, soon...
I hope you all are doing well and having safe and happy births.
Please keep in touch.